Coding and Design


Hero Coding & Designs is temporarily closed. I am taking no new designs at the moment. If you have a design that is still pending and/or you're waiting to have your design installed (or anything else), please let me know by emailing me. I have tried to contact everybody I can find, so sorry for everyone that has been delayed for so long! I hope you guys all have a great day! P.S. Please don't use my email for other things other then designing (chain emails, tips, etc.). If you would like tips on designing or have a question about something, please contact me on one of my blogs: Hero, Rubberboot Girl, or Dragonmaster. Thank you so much, have a great day! :)


About the Blog

Hero Coding & Design was established on October 26, 2013. I am dedicated to making beautiful designs that people love and can be proud of; to helping peoples' visions come true.

About the Designer

I'm Anna, a Christian who loves writing, designing, reading, blogging, and mostly anything artistic. I love eating onions and have a strange love for chocolate. I often get overexcited by things and sometimes even shriek excitedly and jump up and down. I can also be really shy. Glad to meet you.

i write
i fandom
i express

Anna © 2014 | Bloggger | Pinterest | Google+ | Email |